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As public, tuition-free charter schools, Candeo is subject to open enrollment laws. Typically, our schools receive more applications than seats available for any given year. Where this is the case, a lottery is held to determine order of placement. Students not admitted during the lottery process are placed on a waitlist and receive an offer of admission according to waitlist order and seat availability.
Enrollment Procedures
To apply, complete the online application (approximately 5 minutes). Once it is successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation email. This does not mean your student is enrolled, but rather that your application has been received. You will be given a unique code that will allow you to check the status of your application at any time. When a seat becomes available, you will receive an offer via email. Click YES to enroll, then continue to Registration.
To begin the registration process, you will upload two documents: proof of age and proof of residency. Once confirmed, you are considered “enrolled” and receive access to our Student Information System. The system will allow you to register as a new student.
Upon enrolling, you will begin the registration process. In the registration process, you are completing your electronic student file and preparing your student for entry. The forms and documents of this step are required for admission. Assistance with online registration is available if needed. Please contact your school registrar at and we will be glad to assist you.
Enrollment Timeline for the 2025-2026 school year
Applying during our Open Enrollment window qualifies you for the enrollment lottery (should the number of applications exceed the number of open seats) and establishes priority admission. Our online Live Lottery event takes place on January 14, 2025 at 10:00 am.
Applying during our Standard Enrollment period establishes priority order on a first-come, first-served basis following all Open Enrollment applicants. Offers are extended in accordance with waitlist order and seat availability.
How Our Waitlist Works
Our waitlist is ordered first with rollover students, then Open Enrollment students, and then Standard Enrollment students, each in accordance with the following priorities:
1. Students of Staff
2. Students of enrolled siblings
3. Candeo Transfer students
4. Board Member students
5. Active Military families
Waitlists are maintained and updated online. Parents may view their status at any time using a unique code received upon application submission. When an application reaches the top of the list, the applicant is contacted via email if a spot is available. Response is required within 48 hours. As applicants are enrolled, the waitlist is adjusted accordingly.
We strongly encourage you to apply to both Candeo campuses. This greatly increases your chances of securing a seat in a Candeo School. If a seat is not available, you will be placed on a numbered waitlist. You can be on the waitlist of multiple schools while waiting to be offered a seat at your first choice location. Applying to multiple schools does not adversely impact your status on any waitlists, so apply today! Availability varies by school and is subject to change.
Kindergarten Enrollment
We follow Arizona law (ARS 15-821(C)) with regard to Kindergarten entrance qualifications, which stipulates Kindergartners must turn five BEFORE September 1st in order to be eligible for admissions. New first grade applicants whose 6th birthday occurs after September 1st of their first grade year must demonstrate mastery of Candeo end-of-year benchmarks in order to qualify for entry into 1st grade.
Candeo offers free half-day Kindergarten (Peoria location) and tuition-based full-day Kindergarten (Peoria and North Scottsdale locations). Tuition for full-day Kindergarten is $375 USD per month. Payments are due and automatically withdrawn on the first of the month.